Welcome to Jeanne's Website
Jeanne Sirotkin, aka Jeanne Haynes, created this site to answer the question “What is it exactly, that you do?” Friends, family and surfers are invited to read her work.
Read the poem James Webb Telescope Reports To Earth .
Stomp Kicking Our Way to Heaven a recent blog published by North American Review.
Me and Betty White first published in North American Review, Summer Fiction Issue 2014.
“Wrestling the Bear”, a collection of short stories awarded the 2011 Stephen F Austin Prize in Fiction. Order from your local independent bookstore (ISBN # 978-162288-006-5) or on AMAZON.
Interviews with Jeanne at Fiction Writers Review and a video from the Warren Library.
Read “Kill!! Sudoku!!!” at northvillereview.com
Contact author for readings/signings at jeannesirotkin@gmail.com
Read the title story, which first appeared in Cimarron Review #146, on this website
A variety of poems.
Short Stories
A few of my stories
Excerpts from my novel.
Contact and information about me.